How Bitcoin Helps Teachers Understand Our Fiat System
• The article discusses how Bitcoin helps to encourage better decision making and relationship habits compared to our current fiat monetary system.
• It also highlights the emergence of helicopter parenting as a result of living in a fiat system.
• Lastly, it suggests that changing over to a sound money like Bitcoin would be beneficial for everyone.
The Advantages of Bitcoin Over Fiat Money
Bitcoin offers numerous advantages over fiat currency, allowing people to make better decisions and form stronger relationships. As an elementary school teacher and co-host of Lincolnland Bitcoin, I have had the unique experience of seeing firsthand how our coercive fiat monetary system incentivizes less-than-optimal decision making and substandard relational habits. In this article, I will discuss how Bitcoin can help fix these issues.
The Emergence Of Helicopter Parenting
One observation I’ve noticed in the past few decades is the emergence of helicopter parents. WebMD lists the following signs: they fight their child’s battles, do their schoolwork, coach their coaches, keep their kids on a short leash, are a maid in their own house, play it too safe and can’t let their kids fail. This phenomenon is likely due to living in a fiat system; when humans have control over the money supply, they impose their morals onto said money supply. This encourages high time preference actions which ultimately leads to helicopter parenting behaviors.
The Benefits Of Sound Money
On the other hand, sound money like Bitcoin does not incentivize short-term thinking or behavior because its value is not subject to human whims or agendas. Furthermore, choosing between “red” or “blue” political parties does not provide long-term systemic change since each side is beholden to its inherent system. With sound money like Bitcoin that has no third party interference or manipulation involved in its design and implementation, everyone benefits from appreciating its intrinsic value and potential for growth over time while avoiding any potential pitfalls associated with the current fiat monetary system.
The Long Term Effects Of Sound Money On Society
In addition to preventing undesirable behaviors such as helicopter parenting described above from occurring due to incentive structures created by an unfair financial system, sound money like Bitcoin also allows for greater economic freedom among individuals within society at large; this freedom allows them more opportunity for wealth accumulation through investments into projects or ventures that could benefit them over time rather than relying solely on wages earned from jobs tied down by inflationary pressures caused by ever increasing debt cycles perpetuated by governments printing more currency out of thin air (quantitative easing). With cryptocurrency solutions such as those offered by Bitcoin being decentralized in nature yet still having real world applications (such as buying goods and services), it provides individuals with more options outside traditional banking systems – leading ultimately towards greater financial independence overall which can lead towards better quality relationships with others since they’re no longer bound down by oppressive financial systems which limit potential mobility within society at large..
In conclusion then we see that using sound money such as bitcoin gives individuals more freedom than traditional banking systems allow – leading ultimately towards greater financial independence overall which can lead towards better quality relationships with others since they’re no longer bound down by oppressive financial systems which limit potential mobility within society at large.. Furthermore it prevents undesirable behaviors such as helicopter parenting from occurring due to incentive structures created by an unfair financial system – thus allowing us all true freedom from government control when it comes to managing our own finances!